10th Annual International Festival of Piping and Drumming
Kids Drum Major Contest
Stone Throw
16lb Hammer Throw
Caber Toss
A Perfect 12 o'clock toss
St. Laurence O'Toole Pipe Band - Current World Champions
St. L. O'Toole Performance
Andrea before the performance
Andrea after the performance
Simon Fraser University Pipe Band (Yes, SFU from Burnaby!)
Insane rain and hail storm
Using any and all means to avoid the pelting hail stones
Managed to fit myself and 6 strangers under my umbrella for the duration of the downpour
After 10 minutes of rain, wind and hail it cleared off and they started the parade through town and into the pubs
Places I've Been:
- Canada
- United States of America
- England
- Northern Ireland
- Republic of Ireland
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Luxembourg
- Spain
- Portugal
- France
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Scotland
- Norway
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Finland
- Estonia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Slovakia
- Hungary
- Croatia
- Liechtenstein (in transit)
- Bosnia and Hercegovina (in transit)
- Czech Republic
- Slovenia
- Italy
- Vatican City
- Greece
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